Different people experience the start of a journey differently but I believe everyone has some point where they realise they crossed the point of no return. For some the final day's packing brings that point home, for some maybe when their luggage are checked in. For me it was when the pilot ships pulled the SA Agulhas away from the pier.
For me it was a very strong metaphor of my loved ones receding into the background while I am being pulled into my next voyage. The fun, laughter and safety of being together with your loved ones has now ended and the reality of the path you chose sets in. On this voyage their companionship will not be possible and for me it hinted at the ultimate solitude of one's life and that some experiences cannot be shared.
The good thing is that on this journey I have a new family and a new life, new adventures and new things to explore...(and of course there is blogging, internet, telephones, whatsapp etc.)
Treffende woorde Johan. Inderwaarheid 'n nuwe hoofstuk in jou lewe. Mag jy eendag met innige dankbaarheid terugkyk na 'n geleentheid wat jy aangegryp het en voluit geleef het tot eer van die Here.